Author Archives: davidsmith09062014

Knocked down again.

I rarely stand up these days.

Old before my time, at least in my head.

Things have happened and it seems like its me that is in the wrong in the minds of those who assault my psyche on a regular basis.

I feel like the eternal scapegoat, easy to blame, unwilling to defend myself anymore, I just take it.

No one cares, well, maybe a few innocents do, but they cant help me much as they have no power..

By the time people have power, they have other things to care about, better than me.

I am only the father. No one needed, just someone who can be called on when every other avenue is closed.

And the first to be discarded when no longer “needed”.

So, I guess I am truly worth so little, definitely not worth the time of day or anything.

Ask me for something sometime.

Tell me what you want.

Pfft! I am sure you will when you want something.

Walk on me.

Take from me.

Don’t for a moment consider what would be nice for me.

Don’t think of what I would like.

I am only the father.

I want the best for you.

And I sacrificed all I was for you.

Knock me down again.

It isn’t just you.

It’s so many of you.

Over and over, same old story repeats.

What can I do?

Never mind, I know, its all about YOU..


Portal to misery.

I turn you on, as soon as I rise,

No joy do you give,

Now that’s a surprise.

The longer I sit, behind this screen,

The more life seems, callous and mean.


Perhaps the way I see the world,

Is what makes misery,

Be unfurled..

A port to pain,

I say “Never again..!!”


Yet here I am,

Still stuck in this jam..

Life in a laptop land..

Tires my old right hand..